Who’s Walking?

Who’s Walking?

Although everyone knows that exercise is extremely important for our health, who is really changing their lifestyle and how much physical activity do they do? Compared to 2001, Americans made 17 more walks in 2009 which is increase of approximately 9 miles. The percentage of people who walked more than 30 minutes increased from 7.2% in 2001 to 8% in 2009.

Despite this minor change, it is men, middle aged people, people who are employed, educated, and people without cars who are walking more. Women, children, and seniors are vulnerable while walking thus putting them in danger which causes a decrease in activity. Public transportation also influences how much people are walking. When taking public transport, people walk to the stops and to a destination at the end of a trip. The use of sidewalks and bike lines also influences how much a person walks. When there are no sidewalks or no proper bike lane, it reduces people’s opportunity to be more active.

In order to increase the amount of daily physical activity, changes must be made. It is important to target women, children, and seniors in these changes because they need that extra step to be protected when they are trying to enjoy the outdoors. Another change that is required is an improvement in sidewalks, bike lanes, and public transportation. Improving these factors increases the chance of people getting out and living healthy lifestyles and reducing obesity in the US.

About 75% of walking trips and 50% of cycling trips in 2009 were for practical purposes such as going to work, school, a friend’s house, or when using public transportation. The increased number of people cycling resulted in the biggest change in daily physical exercise .Cycling in the US rose from 43% to 51%.

Physical activity is crucial in staying healthy or reducing weight. A minimum of 30 minutes of cardiovascular activities at least 4 days a week is the key to staying healthy. However, if you are trying to lose weight, your goal is to burn more calories than you eat so taking longer walks is a good idea! In order to stay healthy, make sure to maintain a healthy diet as well as getting exercise but remember to have fun while doing it!